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  1. Tender is the Night (Suave es la noche) de Francis Scott Fitzgerald 
  2. The Woman in White (La mujer de Blanco) de Wilikie Collins
  3. Mémoires d'Hadrien (Memorias de Adriano) de Marguerite Yourcenar 
  4. Quatrevingt-treize (El Noventa y Tres) de Victor Hugo
  5. The Handmaid's Tale (El Cuento de la Criada) de Margaret Atwood
  6. Lady Susan de Jane Austen
  7. The New York Trilogy (La Trilogía de Nueva York) de Paul Auster
  8. The Catcher in the Rye de J.D.Salinger
  9. Le Journal d'un Homme en Trop (Diario de un hombre de más) de Ivan Turgueniev
  10. Réquiem por un campesino español de Ramón J. Sender
  11. Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada de Pablo Neruda
  12. Burmese Days (Días de Birmana) de George Orwell
  13. Midnight's Children (Los hijos de medianoche) de Salman Rushdie
  14. El Final del Desfile de Ford Madox Ford
  15. La Reine Margot (La reina Margot) de Alexandre Dumas 
  16. Les Biens de ce Monde (Los Bienes de este Mundo) de Irène Némirovsky
  17. L'Espoir (La esperanza) de André Malraux  
  18. Grapes of Wrath (Las uvas de la ira) de John Steinbeck
  19. Les Fleurs du Mal (Las flores del mal) de Charles Baudelaire
  20. Vol de nuit (Vuelo Noctuno) de Antoine de Saint-Éxupéry 
  21. Adolphe de Benjamin Constant 
  22. The Man of Property (The Forsyte Saga #1) de John Galsworthy
  23. The Italian de Ann Radcliffe
  24. Aux bords du Gange de Rabindranath Tagore
  25. Vía Revolucionaria de Richard Yates
  26. Les Dieux Ont Soif de Anatole de France
  27. La Princesse de Montpensier + La Comptesse de Tende de Madame de Lafayette
  28. El marino que perdió la gracia del mar de Yukio Mishima 
  29. La Mort i la Primavera de Mercè Rodoreda
  30. Of Mice and Men de John Steinbeck
  31. La violeta del Prater de Christopher Isherwood
  32. Les Vierges et autres nouvelles de Irène Némirovsky
  33. Siddharta de Herman Hesse
  34. La Inquilina de Wildfell Hall de Anne Brontë
  35. A Moveable Feast de Ernest Hemingway
  36. Notre-Dame de Paris de Victor Hugo
  37. Le coup de grâce de Marguerite Yourcenar
  38. A Pair of Blue Eyes de Thomas Hardy
  39. Si una noche de invierno un viajero de Italo Calvino
  40. In Chancery (The Forsyte Saga #2) de John Galsworthy
  41. Norte y Sur de Elizabeth Gaskell
  42. Cumbres Borrascosas de Emily Brontë 
  43. Down and Out in Paris and London de George Orwell
  44. To Let (The Forsyte Saga #3) de John Galsworthy
  45. Une banale histoire de Anton Chejov 
  46. Lourdes (Les Trois Villes #1) de Émile Zola
  47. Pot-bouille (Les Rougon-Macquart #10) de Émile Zola
  48. Historia de dos ciudades de Charles Dickens
  49. Dimanche de Irène Némirovsky (GR)
  50. Fathers and Sons de Ivan Turguenev (GR)
  51. El último encuentro de Sándor Marái (GR)
  52. Kokoro de Natsume Soseki (GR)
  53. Rashomon y otros cuentos de Ryunosuke Akutagawa
  54. The Road to Wigan Pier de George Orwell (GR)
  55. On Forsyte Change (The Forsyte Chronicles #3.5) de John Galsworthy (GR)
  56. Le Ventre de Paris (Les Rougon-Macquart #3) de Émile Zola (GR)
  57. A Modern Comedy (The Forsyte Chronicles #2) de John Galsworthy
  58. La Metamorfosis de Franz Kafka (GR)
  59. Les Misérables de Victor Hugo
  60. Le Rouge et le Noir de Stendhal

4 comentarios:

  1. So many wonderful title selections! Hello, and welcome to the club. Very best wishes to you, in your reading. :D

    - jillian

  2. I want to read more George Orwell. What drew you to that author in particular?

    1. Well, I read "1984" for the first time about 5 or 6 years ago because my History professor recommended it to me, and well, it became one of my favourites. I was drawn to Orwell mainly because of his political beliefs, I've always thought of him being quite "independent", having his own beliefs without wanting to be labeled left or right wing. But, of course, what I heard about his books made me want to read some of his works.
      Also, a few months ago I realised I hadn't read anything else by this author, and was quite embarrassed by it, so I read "Homage to Catalonia". I chose this book for two reasons: first, because it's autobiographical and I wanted to know more about Orwell's thoughts and opinions; and second because it was about the Spanish Civil War, a subject that I am very interested in.
      I've only read those two books by Orwell... so far, I hope I've answered your question :)


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